Litter Detail for Litter ID 2702
Whelp Date: Nov 6, 1994
Country of Birth:
Litter Reg #: WP592642
Repro Method: Unknown
Birth Method:
Total Pups:
Males: 4
Females: 7
Stillborns: 0
Data Source: DB Conversion
Futurity: N Maturity: N
Last Updated: 10/22/2008 6:11:00 PM
Dogs In This Litter
 Dog IDDog NameCall NameSexRegistrationsDeceased
1013Bayport's Eloise A La PraiaEllieFWP59264203 (AKC)Yes 
1014Bayport's Good Golly By Molly MWP59264208 (NR) 
1016Bayport's Holly Go LightlyHollyFWP59264201 (AKC) 
1019Bayport's Leao Rodrigo MWP59264202 (AKC) 
1021Bayport's Mad Max Of Thunderdome MWP59264205 (AKC) 
1022Bayport's Mimi FWP59264209 (NR) 
1024Bayport's Molly FWP59264210 (NR) 
1029Bayport's Pico De Azores FWP59264207 (AKC) 
1033Bayport's Roger The Lodger MWP59264212 (NR) 
1034Bayport's Ruby FWP59264213 (NR) 
1037Bayport's Surf FWP59264204 (AKC)