Dog Detail for Dog ID 7929
Dog Name: Regala's Unsinkable Molly Brown
Call Name: Molly
Sex: Female Repro Status: Unknown
Registrations: WP43010610 (AKC)
Whelp Date: Jul 14, 1992
Litter ID: 2364
DNA Reg #:
Coat Type: CURLY
Coat Color: BROWN 
Ticking: N
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 3/12/2022 12:24:00 AM
Certifications only visible to participating members.

Scrimshaw's Obi Wan Kenobi
WG087937 | 1987 -      | ID#8922
Captree's Jib Of Actondale
WF766633 | 1985 -      | ID#1895
Captree Lote
WF383397 | 1981 -      | ID#1898
White Cap Briny Of Actondale
WF383483 | 1982 -      | ID#10701
Brinmar's Madeira Lace
WF751100 | 1985 -      | ID#1617
Camerell's Duel At Diablo
WF460624 | 1983 - 1997 | ID#1819
Trezena Konstelada
WF383212 | 1979 - 1992 | ID#10355
Regala's My Blue Heaven
WG507491 | 1990 -      | ID#7878
Norvic Regala's Chocolat Kiss
WG232343 | 1988 -      | ID#6986
Dakar Do Condinho
WG090204 | 1986 -      | ID#2830
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WG076869 | 1987 - 2001 | ID#6063
White Cap Capitao Do Monab
WF466233 | 1983 -      | ID#10703
Baybrite Algazarra
WF702891 | 1985 -      | ID#988

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
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