Litter Detail for Litter ID 6383
Whelp Date: Mar 8, 2016
Country of Birth: United States
Litter Reg #: WS533625
Repro Method: Fresh
Birth Method:
Total Pups:
Males: 5
Females: 3
Stillborns: 0
Data Source: DB Conversion
Futurity: Y Maturity: N
Last Updated: 5/25/2016
Dogs In This Litter
 Dog IDDog NameCall NameSexRegistrationsDeceased
29485Saltydawg Adirondacks Topaz SkyDaxMWS53362507 (AKC) 
29481Saltydawg Jewel Of The Deep Blue SeaPearlFWS53362503 (AKC) 
29484Saltydawg Sapphire Skis Tuckerman's RavineTuckMWS53362506 (AKC) 
29486Saltydawg's Azorean Emerald of FireCometMWS53362508 (AKC) 
29479Saltydawg's Blue Amethyst Rogue GuardianRogueMWS53362501 (AKC) 
29483Saltydawg's Garnet Of The Ice HorizonOreoMWS53362505 (AKC) 
29482Saltydawg's Mora On The Rubicon LakeMoraFWS53362504 (AKC) 
29480Saltydawg's Opal TrueheartNisaFWS53362502 (AKC)