Dog Detail for Dog ID 9059
Dog Name: Seacatch Xa
Call Name: Prince
Sex: Male Repro Status: Unknown
Registrations: WF383135 (AKC)
Whelp Date: Dec 22, 1977
Litter ID: 144
DNA Reg #:
Deceased: Jul 19, 1992
Frozen Semen:
Coat Type:
Coat Color: BROWN 
Ticking: N
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 10/18/2022 3:47:00 PM
Certifications only visible to participating members.

Farmion Cabo De Sta Maria
WF382976 | 1973 -      | ID#3909
Anzol Do Al-Gharb
WF382951 | 1969 -      | ID#15591
Lis Algarbiorum
LOP0012929 | 1966 -      | ID#15601
Espada Algarbiorum
LOP0011088 | 1963 -      | ID#15587
Trovoada De Alvalade
WF382961 | 1970 -      | ID#10389
Lumpi De Alvalade
LOP 11885 | 1965 -      | ID#42401
LOP 7717 | 1968 -      | ID#42402
Farmion Dalva
WF382989 | 1974 -      | ID#3920
Not In Database
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Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database

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