Dog Detail for Dog ID 3797
Dog Name: Eusebio De Gifford
Call Name:
Sex: Male Repro Status: Neutered
Registrations: WP45801301 (AKC)
Whelp Date: Jul 20, 1992
Litter ID: 2416
DNA Reg #:
Deceased: Jan 5, 2004
Frozen Semen:
Coat Type: WAVY
Coat Color: BLACK 
Ticking: N
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 10/18/2022 3:19:00 PM
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Artur Do Cerrado Do Rio
LOP0087790 | 1990 -      | ID#796
Facho Da Casa Branca
LOP0056335 | Unknown DOB -      | ID#42915
Not In Database
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Catraia Do Vale Negro
LOP0076616 | 1989 -      | ID#42916
Mare Do Vale Negro
LOP0057091 | 1996 -      | ID#5918
Margarida Do Zoo De Lisboa
LOP0063583 | Unknown DOB -      | ID#5925
Data De Gifford
LOP0094792 | 1991 -      | ID#2835
Heitor Do Vale Negro
LOP0081435 | Unknown DOB -      | ID#4622
Not In Database
Not In Database
Domingas Do Vale Negro
LOP0076785 | 1989 -      | ID#3317
Not In Database
Not In Database

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