Dog Detail for Dog ID 3397
Dog Name: Driftwood's Bacchus Dos
Call Name: Deuce
Sex: Male Repro Status: Neutered
Registrations: WR03232504 (AKC)
Whelp Date: May 17, 2001
Litter ID: 3855
DNA Reg #:
Deceased: Jun 24, 2015
Frozen Semen: Yes
Coat Type: WAVY
Coat Color: BLACK 
Marking: WHITE  (30%)
Ticking: N
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 8/7/2023 12:38:00 PM
Certifications only visible to participating members.

Relatives display only visible to participating members.

Driftwood's Danger Zone
WP91411604 | 1999 -      | ID#3424
Lindamar's Mulato De Camlin
WP59083201 | 1994 - 2003 | ID#5763
Zorro Do Vale Negro
WP39852601 | 1991 -      | ID#12022
Morena Do Vale Negro
WP52105601 | 1992 -      | ID#6142
Driftwood's Seminole Wind
WP56486201 | 1993 -      | ID#3527
Anacoves La Primera Samba
WF997156 | 1987 - 1995 | ID#587
Driftwood's I Am A Promise
WG449716 | 1990 -      | ID#3455
Driftwood's Rising Phoenix
WP88858101 | 1998 -      | ID#3524
Neocles Facil Figaro
WG323763 | 1989 -      | ID#6386
Rock Mere's Cavalo Branco
WG038449 | 1987 -      | ID#8229
Neocles Beata Brio
WF947392 | 1986 -      | ID#6344
Driftwood's Lion Sleeps Tonight
WP63941202 | 1995 -      | ID#3475
Driftwood's Comanche Warrior
WP56486202 | 1993 -      | ID#3421
Old River A Lil' Minnow
WG255309 | 1987 -      | ID#7043

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
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